Kashira > Wakaotoko
- The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu (染模様妹背門松)
- The Color Prints of Kagamiyama (加賀見山旧錦絵)
- The Battle of Ichinotani (一谷嫩軍記)
- The Twenty-Four Dutiful Sons (本朝廿四孝)
- Yoshitsune and a Thousand Cherry Trees (義経千本桜)
- Sugawara's Secrets of Calligraphy (菅原伝授手習鑑)
- The Nunobiki Waterfall (源平布引滝)
- The Vendetta by a Samurai in Rags (敵討襤褸錦敵討襤褸錦)
- The Love of Osome and Hisamatsu (新版歌祭文)
- The Teachings for Women (妹背山婦女庭訓)
- The Gion Festival (祇園祭礼信仰記)
- Gonza the Lancer (鑓の権三重帷子)
- The Summer Festival at Naniwa (夏祭浪花鑑)
- The Subscription List (勧進帳)
- The Crossroads of Gappo (摂州合邦辻)
- The Nine-Tailed Fox (玉藻前曦袂)
- The Priest in Exile (平家女護島)
- The Two-Colored Reins (恋女房染分手綱)
- The Rat's Romance (鼠のそうし)
- The Pine Tree on the River Bank (岸姫松轡鑑)
- The League of the 47 Ronin (仮名手本忠臣蔵)
- The Tycoon's Exploit (絵本太功記 絵本太功記)
- The New Barrier of Ataka (鳴響安宅新関)
- The Adachi Plain in Oshu (奥州安達原)
- Kiichi's Book of Strategy (鬼一法眼三略巻)
- The Woman-Killer and the Hell of Oil (女殺油地獄)
- The Tales of Ise (競伊勢物語)
- The Yaguchi Ferry (神霊矢口渡)
- The Vow of Rokusuke (彦山権現誓助剣)
- The Murder in Revenge (国言詢音頭)
- The Love Suicide of Hambei and Ochiyo (心中宵庚申)
- The Celebration of Housing Starts (寿柱立万歳)
- The Dance of Sambaso (寿式三番叟)
- The New Usuyuki Story (新薄雪物語)
- Monkey (五天竺)
- The Drum of the Waves of Horikawa (堀川波の鼓)
- The Double Suicide at Ikudama (生玉心中)
- The Story of Priest Roben (良弁杉由来)
- The Lion Dance (連獅子)
- The Feudal Lord in Asama (浅間の殿様)
- The Benevolence of Saint Nichiren (日蓮聖人御法海)