Image Tags
- Asahi Theater (朝日座)
- Butai geta [high wooden clogs] (舞台下駄)
- Dō [body] (胴)
- Dressing room (楽屋)
- Geza [room for offstage musicians] (下座あるいは囃子部屋)
- Hishida Kōji, Keeper of heads (菱田宏治)
- Ishibashi Osamu, Costume director (石橋長武)
- Puppet head (かしら)
- Props (小道具)
- Kotsuzumi [hourglass-shaped drum] (小鼓)
- Kowari-chō/Kowari [cue book] (小割帳)
- Nakoshi Shōji, Wig master (名越昭司)
- Puppet costuming (人形拵え)
- Uehara Tsuruko, Seamstress (うえはらつるこ)
- Wig (かづら)
- Narrator (太夫)
- Shamisen player (三味線)
- Backstage (舞台裏)
- Rehearsal (舞台稽古)
- Ōe Minosuke, Carver of heads (大江巳之助)
- Chakutōban (着到板あるいは到着板)
- Wing, from (舞台そでからの写真)
- Tour (ツアー)
- Animal (動物)
- Yonetani Eijirō, Properties (よねたにえいじろう)
- Fox (狐)
- Dōgushi [headgrip] (胴串)
- Arm (手)
- Leg (足)
- Costume (衣装)
- Mochizuki Taishirō, Offstage Musician (もちづきたいしろう)
- Set Construction (大道具造り)
- Taiko [drum] (太鼓)
- Training (稽古)
- Yukahon [narrator's text] (床本)
- Puppet (人形)
- Koto [transverse harp] (琴)
- Chūzuri [flying performance] (宙吊り)
- Kōjō performance (口上(演目))
- Puppeteer (人形遣い)
- Kashirawari [distribution of puppet heads] (首割り)
- Kagezukai [hooded performers] (影遣い)
- Barbara Curtis Adachi (バーバラ・カーティス・足立)
- Tour, International (海外公演)
- Jason Choi, Translator (ジェイソン・チョイ)
- Derek Birdsall, Art Director (デレック・バードサル)
- Gregory Vitiello, Editor (グレゴリー・ヴィティエロ)
- The Voices and Hands of Bunraku (文楽のひとびと)
- Directing (演出)
- Theater (劇場)
- Non-Bunraku materials (文楽以外の資料)
- Sankyoku [three instruments] (三曲)
- Auxiliary stage (床あるいは出語台)
- Armature (さし金)
- Kokyū [a musical instrument] (胡弓)
- Television programs/motion pictures (テレビ番組・映画)
- Kōjō [announcement] (口上(東西東西))
- Adachi's Interviews (足立インタビュー資料)
- Stage set (大道具)
- Donald Keene (ドナルド・キーン)
- Hitori zukai (一人遣い)